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Life as a student

During these strange times life as a student has become a little more unusual, unpredictable and a little more stressful. One of the strange pluses to becoming unemployed during the current pandemic is that I have more time to work on homework, however, the hard part is actually accomplishing it.

I know I'm not alone in the difficulty to accomplish assignments on time, lacking the ability to focus, struggling with difficulties arranging conference calls for group projects, and other limitations of online schooling .Creating google docs has certainly been helpful though with two of the bigger assignments that I can happily say are complete.

Although there are difficulties to online schooling we are lucky and privileged to be able to go through it, teachers taking time out of their lives to do conference calls when they are likely as stressed as their students are, responding to emails whenever they can, and creating alternative teaching methods to help students complete their courses.

While it is a difficult and stressful time for all of us, not just the students as previously stated last week compassion, and empathy are key to getting through the difficult and uncertain times we find ourselves in.

Students attending online school, it's okay to not be able to focus on assignments, it's okay to take a day, or days off for your mental and emotional health, its okay to ask for extra time, (whether you get it is another question though.) Simply put, it's okay to feel whatever you feel during these times, the point is that in time it will be okay, and you are doing the best that you can.

As someone who struggles with their mental health I have found myself constantly have days where I'm either up or down, and on occasion having neutral days. With that homework can be a struggle during normal times, which these are not at all.

I am not alone in this. Many students struggle with their mental health and it can affect them in so many ways, productivity, ability to complete assignments, ability to complete assignments on time, or even complete courses. For this factor it is important to understand compassion, and the ability to adapt, which unfortunately some schools have not been as successful at doing.

After taking a day off from assignments on Saturday, I ended up cramming three assignments in yesterday it was not a good thing however it was the choice I chose to make and the only way to accomplish the assignments I had to complete and submit on Sunday. This was not without struggle of course, but I managed to submit the final of the three at 11:23 PM.

This morning I needed a bit of a break after that, which meant sleeping in a little and doing some yoga when I decided to wake up. A little time to think before having to finish another assignment today.

Are you a student? How are you handling the adjustments to alternative teaching methods?

Thanks for reading!

Please note that this is my own opinion and not an advertisement.

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